Can we be silent for the sake of the Gospel?
The weekend before last found me working outside in 90 degree heat painting our deck. Several of the young men from our church answered our call for help that Saturday, and I found myself side by side with a man in his early twenties. It was hot and kind of miserable, and it was not were I wanted to be and my attitude was kind crappy to be honest. We painted in silence for a while and then found ourselves talking about jobs, home life, and hobbies. When asked what I did in my "free" time, I replied that I enjoyed trying new recipes, sewing, painting, and writing. Much of my life is recorded in journals, and I have always processed my thoughts through the writing process. I was about to change the subject, when he said, "You had a blog for awhile, didn't you?" I replied, "Yes. But I rarely have the time to write like I would want. I have always wanted to write a book. Who knows...maybe someday I will." "What kind of a book?" he asked. ...