Your go to Gal.

When I have a few quiet moments during the day, I often fill them with household chores and laundry. This morning, while Lucy was sleeping, I began washing dishes from last night's dinner and breakfast. I hate washing dishes. Especially during the winter. My hands get very dry and cracked. As I silently lamented my scaly skin and sore cuticles, I began to place the clean dishes back in their respective homes. I have a drawer in the kitchen where all my measuring cups and spoons go to die. That is only partially true, but they really do seem to disappear. When I got married, I received three sets of measuring spoons and two sets of measuring cups. I now have only three measuring spoons and four miscellaneous measuring cups. I blame some of it on my daughter who has a habit of "misplacing" them in her toy box.

As I was making room in the drawer by pushing things around and slamming it repeatedly, I had a thought. There is only room enough for what I want to make room for. If I desired to buy new measuring cups and spoons, I could pull out the slicing mandolin and the corn kernel remover that got used twice in four years. I could stack things up neatly and wipe out the crumbs from the drawer. I could get a drawer organizer or make one off of Pinterest. Ha! That's not going to happen.

In all seriousness though, we make room for whatever it is that is most important to us. As far as kitchen utensils go, the gadgets and utensils that we use every day stay right up front where they are within easy reach while cooking. I do not even have to think about where they are. I open the drawer and pull them out.

The words and thoughts that I dwell on and allow to take root in my heart are what fuels my actions and forms my speech. Whatever is within easy reach and fresh in my mind is what comes out in my life. I have been strongly considering "disconnecting" from Facebook for awhile. I am ashamed to think of how many times I check my Facebook during the day or spend minutes or even hours scrolling through Pinterest, while my daughter is growing up right in front of me. I am too busy finding the latest and greatest way to be a "Super Mom" while she just needs me to be here with her right now.

I feel the same is true with my relationship with the Lord. I work so hard to be what I think I should be. Keeping up with the laundry, washing dishes, sweeping, scrubbing stains out of the couch and carpet, making a meal plan, planning a budget, being a loving wife, making sure Lucy is smart and developing correctly. I forget to make time for God. My Bible sits in the same place that I put it four days ago. Not exactly collecting dust, but certainly not gaining any wear and tear.

I feel that my priorities are far out of balance. It is humbling to admit this so publicly. But I feel that I need to make some changes. So this is my plan. I am going to make time to change what is in my "go to drawers". That means cutting out the clutter. So a bit of a sabbatical from Facebook and a whole lot more time with my Lord is in order.

I will be writing more and hopefully sharing some light with you, as the Lord shares His love with me. Consider what is your go to...


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